I am head of the Educational Technologies Graduate Program, Director of the LINKS Future Learning Spaces, Marie Curie Fellow (2018-2020), and co-PI on two grants supported by the Israeli Science Foundation. In 2019 I was honored by the Mordechai Nisan Early Career Research Award from the Hebrew University. I was recently elected to serve a 6-year term (2021-2026) on the board of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).
Dr. Yotam Hod
[email protected]
My research addresses the significant gap that exists between the way most schools function today — such as individual learning, procedure driven, testing and summarizing — and the current needs of our workforce in a digital driven age that values collaboration, creativity, complex problem solving, and self-directed learning.
There is no single solution to close this gap. This problem can't be solved by installing technologies, reducing class sizes, or training teachers alone. In order to solve this problem, we need broader, all-encompassing solutions that work together and complement one another.
My research has primarily focused on designing models that involve changing the way the entire system works - including the way the curriculum is organized, the role of the teacher, assessment, use of technologies, and even commonly overlooked, but important issues, such as classroom furniture and how learning spaces are organized. I've been a part of the design, implementation, and empirical research on a number of projects all geared to creating an educational system that is relevant for today's society and works for everybody.
This type of design-based research is a unique approach that is urgently needed to foster the development of students who will be able to productively engage in addressing the complex challenges of this era.