The Cheryl Spencer Institute of Nursing Research (CSINR) examines nursing issues, nursing science and nursing practice, and develops innovative methods that promote better health care delivery.
During the Coronavirus pandemic, the CSINR supported a number of research projects that focused on students, patients and nurses. On March 2021, the CSINR hosted a special virtual conference "Nursing During Corona Days", which provided a stage for bedside nurses to share their experiences alongside the nursing management of the Ministry of Health, hospitals and other health-related sites. The event was attended by the Chief Nursing Officer of the World Health Organization. The conference promoted the important goal of integrating academia and the field.
Prof. Efrat Dagan
[email protected]
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the CSINR supported research projects associated with nursing and the pandemic.
The following is a brief overview of a few of these projects:
- The trajectories of physical and psychological symptoms experienced by isolated adults with and without a diagnosis of COVID‐19 (Profs. Dorit Pud, Efrat Dagan, Efrat Shadmi, and Anna Zisberg).
- The ethical dilemmas, challenges, and opportunities related to the provision of care during the COVID‐19 outbreak (Prof. Daniel Sperling).
- The effects of emotional regulation using vagal nerve activation on mental health outcomes (Prof. Yori Gidron).
- Optimal training of a new generation of nurses: Implementing resilience and preparedness to cope with a crisis: (Profs. Anat Drach‐Zahavy and Hadass Goldblatt, and nursing researchers from other Israeli universities).
A future scientific "startup" project will focus on four topics of research: Nursing Policy; Resilience in Nursing; Symptoms Management in Nursing and Palliative Care, and Body Politics. With these topics at its core, CSINR aims to provide a new wave of scientific research that contributes to the academic community, policy makers and public opinion relating to nursing in Israel and worldwide.